March 2023 CHT Round-up call recording and notes

Thank you for taking the time to join our March 2023 Round-up call. Here is the link to access the Round-up call recording and below are summarized notes from the call.

Agenda 1: Nursing and Social Security Division project and other CHT community led deployments in Nepal, a community story presentation.

Agenda 2: Product updates and presentations.
a) CHT muting feature presentation and demo.
Muting feature provides a way for CHT users to silence notifications for contacts or places. Muting is commonly used when a family or person has temporarily relocated or refused the services. Muting is accomplished when a user submits a muting form, which is usually accessible from people and places profiles. Once a family or person is muted, their icon turns grey and the β€˜β€™muted’’ status appears beneath their name and CHWs will no longer receive tasks and notifications about the muted families and persons. It is also possible to configure muting to require a supervisor verification, in this case a muting task will be sent to the supervisor to confirm the muting status change, the family and the person will remain active (unmuted) until the supervisor confirms muting. To unmute a family or a person, a user will use the unmute form, unmuting will remove the β€˜β€™mute’’ status, when a family is unmuted, all the individuals in the family are unmuted as well. The high level documentation on muting is available here.

b) CHT user interface improvements updates.
The Care team has been working on several user interface improvements. The changes started in CHT v3.17 with updates on how CHT filters and search work, v4.1.0 has changes on how bulk delete works and the upcoming CHT v4.2.0 will have updates on how secondary actions like edit and delete will work and the team is also currently working on removing the bottom bar and replacing it with a floating action button. The team is also planning to work on updating how navigation works on the app.The full details of the UI changes are available in the CHT v3.7.0 and CHT v4.1.0 release notes.

With all these UI changes, many projects would want to provide additional training for users on these changes. To help with this, the training cards capability will be released as part of CHT v4.2.0. The CHT training cards will help healthcare workers learn about app changes remotely through the in-app modal popup. The training card content can be customized to appear for certain users and the users learning progress can be monitored through analytics to know who has completed the training and the time each user spends going through the training content. Previously the CHT training card was available as a feature release but the feature is now fully documented. The training card documentation contains high level feature information, configuration guide and command line to help with configuring the feature.

c) CHT v4.x self hosting documentation.
The Allies team working together with the Infrastructure team have published documentation for self hosting on CHT v4.x, the documentation is based on new CHT architecture. Please reach out to the team in case you need any further clarification about the documentation.

d) CHT Docker helper improvements.
The Allies team is working on a solution for the DNS issue for the, the issue is manifested by the cht-conf failing and the browser page failing to load. The improved docker helper will be released under the medic hosted domain.

e) CHT Conf Quick start in Vs Code to set up the CHT development environment.
To set up the CHT dev environment, App Developers are required to also install a stack of dependencies on their local system, this includes node, npm, cht-conf and other libraries. This means Developers are expected to install all the dependencies on every single machine they would like to use and the installation steps might differ across different operating systems. The Allies team is currently working on an alternative of having docker image prebuilt with all the CHT dependencies that can be used for development. The VS Code offers a handy feature of a dev container environment, which means one can point VS Code to a docker image and it will reopen itself inside the docker image so that it has access to all system utilities and dependencies already installed on the docker image. VS Code is also able to handle the mapping of the files into the containers, can be edited and provides a seamless development experience. This is useful particularly in cases where one can try to support multiple applications which might have conflicting dependency stacks, a Developer is also able to compartmentalize all CHT environments so that it is not dependent on the local system stack. The CHT Conf Quick start has not been released yet and here is the link to access the branch, all the documentation is in the readme, please refer to the documentation to learn about how you can build the image and use it on VS Code, set up configuration. The team is planning on pushing the docker image soon so that App Developers do not have to build the image themselves.

Agenda 3: CHT Community updates.
a) CHT Academy updates.
The CHT academy has been launched, the academy currently has two courses; Introduction to Community Health Toolkit and Introduction to Building CHT Applications. You can access the CHT academy using this link, please feel free to share any feedback that you might have on any of the modules that are currently available.

It was great connecting with you and we look forward to seeing you at the next CHT Round-up call on April 13, 2023.

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