Category | Topics |
ProductWant to request a new feature or make a product suggestion? Interested in exploring our recent releases and product roadmap? You’re in the right place!
Technical SupportFound a bug? Encountering an error? Report it here. Want to assist others or contribute to the discussion on issues or known bugs? You’re in the right place. For general Development talk or Feature Requests, please use those categories.
CommunityGet to know other members, explore professional opportunities, and help us make our community a welcoming (and fun) space for everyone!
Forum Help & FeedbackYou have questions, we have answers. Not sure where to put a post? Unclear on how tags work? We can help. Have an idea or suggestion? We’d love to hear it!
ImplementationLet’s talk all things implementation: the how, the why, the what works, and the what doesn’t. We want to know how and where you’re using the tools, and what resources you’re using as you deploy them.
ResearchWe’re discussing global health, implementation science, computing, and human-centered design research. Share or ask about evidence and insights, and join us for journal clubs!
DesignHuman-centered and participatory design is crucial in building, scaling, and studying new technologies and strategies. Have questions about human-centered design? Have a resource or article you’d like to share? This is the place!
COVID-19The COVID-19 category is for updates, conversation, implementation guidance, and support questions related to using the Community Health Toolkit in response to COVID-19.