May 2022 update on progress towards releases

It’s a very exciting month for the CHT with three significant releases upcoming.

  • cht-core 3.15.0 is currently in release testing and barring any issues we expect it to be released in the next week or two and includes a handful of performance improvements and bug fixes. As this upgrade doesn’t have any breaking changes it’ll be a relatively straightforward upgrade. More detail will be available in the release notes coming soon.
  • cht-android 1.0.0 development is wrapping up and will be in release testing soon after cht-core 3.15.0 is released. This is a significant release as it drops support for Android 4.4 which means the apk size is much smaller and the app can use a modern browser instead of the 5 year old version currently being used. This will be backwards compatible with cht-core 3.x so can be rolled out progressively without any changes to your cht-core server deployment. We expect to release this version in about a month so now is a good time to start planning the rollout for your project. More info will come in the release notes soon, but for now you can check out the issues included in this release.
  • cht-core 4.0.0 as announced previously, is a major upgrade to how the CHT Core Framework runs on the server to support horizontal scalability. As this is a major release it may also include changes that will break backwards compatibility with 3.x versions. Most notably, this version will require devices to use cht-android 1.0.0+ so make sure to complete the android rollout before upgrading the server. Secondly, this release will include a significant upgrade to enketo-core, the library that renders forms in the CHT, which may change how your forms behave. Engineers are working hard to test and mitigate these breaking changes and there will be documentation to help work through these issues published closer to release date. Keep watching the forum for the announcement of this documentation and the beta release which is a great time to try out the new version.

If you have any questions or comments, please drop a comment below!


Just clarifying about the title – is this an update about “may releases” or a “may update” about upcoming releases? Aka – is Core 4.0 also releasing in May? Is the Beta expected in May?

This is an update about work towards releases that is happening in May. cht-core 4.0.0 will almost certainly not go final in May. I’ve updated the title to be more clear. Thanks for pointing out the ambiguity!