July 2024 Round-up recording and notes

Hi all,

Thank you for attending the July CHT Round-up call. We hope you found the webinar informative and valuable. In case you missed the call or would like to watch it again, you can find the recording here. We have also posted below a summary of topics covered during the call.

Agenda 1: CHT 4.9.0 release

Signature Widget: This is a new Enketo draw that allows a signature mode. With this new feature, you can request a signature in the CHT application. You can gather a signature, preview, and submit it. The submitted signature can be viewed in the report after submission and can also be synchronized to the server. You can see the demo of the signature widget presented by @mrjones in the recording.

Multi-area Supervisor: This feature allows access to data across multiple places in the hierarchy. This feature especially supports supervisors who manage multiple areas. Without this feature, supervisors had to have multiple accounts for each area they managed. @michael has shared a demo of this feature which you can check out in this post.

For further information about the CHT 4.9.0 release, please view CHT forum post here.

Agenda 2: Improvements to Aggregate Targets

The multi-area supervisor feature in 4.9.0 does not support aggregate targets yet. The team is working on it now on adding this support to view aggregate targets of multiple areas. The reason we split this work is to release the main feature as quickly as possible since several projects have supervisors that manage multiple areas. We will share more updates on aggregate targets in future.

Agenda 3: Navigation updates

We are changing the UI of the CHT to better align with material design so that it is more intuitive and familiar with other applications that CHPs are using. The Care team has also run multiple usability tests with some users to confirm this new navigation will be usable and beneficial. The recent tests showed that users did not initially notice the change and were able to complete the tasks without any hassle or new training.

Agenda 4: Removal of feature flags for some of the old UI

As part of navigation updates, we will be dropping support for some of the old user experiences. In 3.17 we changed how filters and search looked for users. In 4.2 we changed how additive actions were accessed by removing the bottom bar and adding the big blue floating action button (FAB). However, it was still possible to enable these old experiences temporarily. The team is now planning on removing the ability to enable these old experiences. Here is the forum post that talks more about it. If you have any questions, please feel free to post them as a reply to the post.

Agenda 5: User feedback we’ve heard from Q2

Recently we collected customer effort related questions from CHT app developers. The purpose of these questions was to collect user feedback on how easy or difficult some of things for CHT app developers. The results were shared in the Round-up call.

With the goal to make CHT app building experience better, Allies team has taken initiative to organize technical working sessions. These sessions dive deep into existing issues partners are facing and propose potential solutions. The team would love to have more sessions with the CHT community and if you are interested to work on any issues in technical session with the team, please feel free to reach out to @Ziithe (ziithe@medic.org)

Agenda 6: Highlights: last CHT app developers survey

To understand CHT app developer’s experience and challenges while building CHT applications, we send CHT application developer surveys twice a year. In Dec 2023, 28 CHT application developers across 11 different organizations responded to the survey. Majority of participants of the survey felt that current CHT resources are somewhat sufficient which shows that there is room for improvement. There have been multiple requests on adding more tutorials and courses. Our team is working actively on updating existing courses and adding more in CHT Academy. We will be sharing more updates on it in upcoming CHT Round-up calls.

Finally, if you have any updates that you would like to share with the CHT community, please feel free to reach out to us by replying to this post and we can work together on presenting them in future CHT Round-up calls.

Thanks again for your participation and engagement in the July CHT Round-up call. We look forward to seeing you in our next Round-up call on August 08, 2024.