January 2024 CHT Round-up recording and notes

Thank you all for your time, participation and engagement in the January 2024 CHT Round-up call. Here is the link to access the Round-up call recording and below are summarized notes from the call.

Agenda 1- 2023 Recap

In 2023, we had an average of 59 participants in the monthly CHT roundup calls. We would like to thank all participants for their continued support and participation. You can find all the call recordings on Medic Youtube channel under the CHT Community Roundup call playlist and CHT Community stories playlist.

a) 2023 Community stories recap

Six community stories were presented during the roundup calls with the aim to share experiences,challenges and the impact of various CHT implementations.

In January, Alerte Niger Hospital Event Based Surveillance to support surveillance for potential epidemics was presented.

In March, the Nursing and Social Security Division in Nepal presented on their community led implementation.

In May, the Ministry of Health Uganda team presented on implementation of Uganda national Electronic Community Health Information System.

In July, the D-tree International team presented on the use of machine learning algorithms to improve perinatal outcomes in Zanzibar.

In September, the Ministry of Health Kenya team presented on deploying and scaling a harmonized electronic Community Health Information System in Kenya.

In December, Duke Kunshan University and Dhulikhel Hospital Kathmandu University Hospital in Nepal presented their study aimed at optimizing management of hypertension in rural Nepal by empowering frontline health workers (FLHWs) and female community health volunteers (FCHVs) through the CHT.

b) 2023 CHT updates

In 2023 various CHT updates were presented during the roundup calls including an array of impactful features and resources in its user interface (UI). Training cards, Floating Action Button (FAB), streamlined navigation, an exit form, and targets were key components contributing to an enhanced user experience.Notable features unveiled in these presentations were the capability for Supervisors to create Community Health Workers (CHWs) user accounts seamlessly through Supervisor CHW create feature, offline user replacement, efficient barcode searches, and messages tab link for streamlined communication.

A wealth of resources was made available to users including comprehensive documentation on muting, self-hosting on version 4.x, and CHT sync. The CHT Academy was launched and the Community Health Toolkit Entrepreneurship Accelerator(CHTEA) was introduced, underscoring the commitment to community support and growth.CHT’s Usage presentations covered diverse scenarios, from utilizing stock monitoring as a reusable component to harnessing geospatial data for microplanning. These presentations aimed to deepen users’ understanding and maximize their utilization of the CHT.

Functionality improvements were a significant focus, addressing critical aspects such as replication depth, a robust test harness, Docker helper, enhanced interoperability, system monitoring with CHT watchdog, CHT pipeline, unified orchestration, local installation steps on Windows, CHT conf quick start and retry.These presentations collectively highlight the community’s dedication to continual improvement and innovation over the past year.

c) 2023 CHT Core release statistics

In 2023 there were 4 feature releases and 9 patch releases which included 6 features, 4 security fixes, 33 improvements, 7 performance enhancements, and 67 bug resolutions. Additionally, 62 technical improvements were made to optimize the framework’s functionality. These updates reflect the dedication to providing a secure, efficient, and feature-rich experience.

d) 2023 User research statistics

In the past year user research initiatives conducted 105 user interviews, unearthing valuable insights encapsulated in 824 individual nuggets. After analysis 22 overarching insights were gathered leading to 15 distinct themes. Additionally, valuable feedback was gathered from the user base through 255 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) survey responses, providing a comprehensive understanding of user perspectives and preferences. This comprehensive approach to user engagement and feedback collection has significantly enriched our understanding of user experiences and preferences, guiding future developments and improvements.

Agenda 2 - Care teams update

a) Browser compatibility notifications available in CHT 4.6.0

There are various minimum requirements to be able to run the CHT as expected. One of the dependencies is the Chrome version. In 4.0, a warning was introduced on the login page to let the user know if their chrome version was outdated and thus not supported. Due to the fact that many healthcare workers don’t log in and out of the system that often, it was highly likely that they would miss the warning on the login page. In 4.6, an in-app pop up window is shown to warn the user if their Chrome version is outdated. The warning will be shown when the application is reloaded and it encourages health workers to contact someone to help them update their browser. The pop up window can be translated to various local languages and is currently shown for users whose Chrome version is between 75 and 90…

b) Current contact’s descendants filter drop down

This feature can be used in the contact and app forms to add a dropdown of contacts that are filtered based on their parent. Instead of showing all the contacts that the health worker has access to, this feature enables the form to only show parent contacts and subsequently relevant contacts in following sections.

Agenda 3 - Allies teams update - CHT Conf Test harness updates

CHT Conf test harness which enables automated testing in CHT has undergone a massive backend uplift that will enable compatibility with the features and bug fixes in the newer versions on the CHT. This ensures that all features and components are accounted for in the harness. Automated tests ensure consistency, stability and functionality of configurations in the current state and as things change. Automated tests are complementary to manual testing in ensuring quality. CHT conf test harness enables repeatability, handles complex configurations and saves up on time done on extensive manual testing. It is advisable to test the logic on your configuration rather than the basic cht-core framework logic. It is also advisable to set up your repository to run the test whenever somebody pushes code to that repository, to validate incoming changes.

It was great connecting with you all and we look forward to seeing you at our next CHT Round-up call on February 8, 2024.