Thank you for your participation at our February 2022 CHT Round- up call. We hope you found the session informative. Here is the call recording and the summarised notes from the call.
1. Best practices for user management on CHT
a) Recommendations for retiring users on CHT and replacing them with new ones
- Create a new contact on the CHT side and a new user on the (admin side). Parent the contact to the existing CHW place so that you avoid confusion as when the transition happened. This is secure and it enables you to change the password for the new user.
- Edit existing contact, user and place.
- Handling the phone from one CHW to another.
b) Best practice of managing the list of users details
- When users are created in bulk, have the magic links sent to the users.
- Another option is to create random passwords that you do not save and users can change the password the first time they log in.
We would like to hear from you on some of the best practices that medium and large deployments of CHT use to manage their users, please add a comment and share your input to the forum post.
2. CHT Product updates
a) CHT v3.14 was released on 11/02/2022
- CHT v3.14 has 7 new features including sync status dialog, ability to show tabs labels on small screens and display of dates for nepali locale, 9 technical improvements and 24 bug fixes.
- More details on CHT v3.14 are available in the v3.14 release notes
b) Recap of the app learnability initiative
- The Medic Product team has been doing usability testing for the in-app upgrade cards to understand if it is possible for CHT users to start using the new UI/UX changes without the in-person training.
- The team has been testing upgrade card design iterations with the current CHT users. The CHT users were not briefed on the updates but they were briefed that the app has been upgraded, the product team set up a scenario where they would share their screens with the first page of the prototype and CHT users would be asked to explain what they saw and what they would tab on.
- This aimed to test if the users understood what they were able to see on the cards and they are able to interact with the cards. The team also assessed whether the CHT users have learned the skill they were being trained on by asking the users to complete an activity on CHT using the knowledge they have acquired from the cards.
- Findings from the usability testing of the first version of the prototype were synthesized and an affinity map was created which has challenges and successes users experienced during the testing process. The identified challenges and successes were grouped by specific themes. The team identified potential solutions for the challenges and the prototype was updated and re-tested.
Two main themes stuck out from the affinity maps:
- Users were not familiar with the concept of training cards and were getting stuck- this was addressed by having a clearer explanation and set-up text. The content/card will be configurable
- Users wanted to interact directly with screen shots- updated version of the prototype included a clearer text and team pulled out individual components of the updates rather than including full image of the app.
- The second version of the prototype was retested; tested with new users and other users who participated in testing the first version and the users were trained on the changes.
How to help out: The CHT community can help by connecting the product team with more CHT users to help the team learn more about users’ needs . If you are interested in deploying this feature, reach out by commenting on the upgrade card forum post.
c) Upcoming features and improvements
- Bulk user creation testing. The team is working on an optimized flow that reduces the number of steps in creating users, the proposal is to have a single page UI for creating up to 5 users. Hoping to get feedback from the CHT community on SMS integration to support sending magic links.
- Improving CHT_DHIS2 integration automation and additional reporting period granularity.
- Upgrade of CHT-Conf version
- Fix the bug of showing the private policy twice.
- Prevent unintentional upgrades by adding additional permissions
- couch2pg being replaced by CHT sync- improvements to support real time data streaming and decoupling of materialised views.
CHT Roadmap is now available on Github, you are welcomed to share comments and feedback in any of the categories on the CHT forum
3. Technical partners Community introductions
We were privileged to have two technical partners introduce themselves to the CHT community.
- Totohealth LTD, a technology based company founded in 2015 which utilises mobile technology to support household education through SMS and CHV follow ups. Here is the Totohealth CHT community story with details of how the Totohealth platform functions, number of counties in Kenya the platform has been deployed to and the impact of the intervention. Thank you @felixkimaru for sharing with the CHT community the great work of Totohealth. If you have any questions or comments about the Totohealth work, please post them here or email Felix Kimaru (
- Koe Koe Tech- this is a Myanmar based tech- social enterprise which is interested in exploring partnerships in Africa and SouthEast Asia to help solve challenges. The organization has a network of developers and has previously developed a mobile app in Vietnam to support maternal child health services. Thank you Michael Lwin ( for sharing insights on Koe Koe Tech work with the CHT community.
Note: If you are interested in partnering with other organizations to build CHT applications, Medic is happy to provide guidance and make introductions.
We hope to see you again at the next CHT Round-up call on March 31st, 2022.