Telemetry questions about the Reports Tab / Search

I’m looking into telemetry related to filters on the reports tab. I’ve found these fields in my project:

Telemetry Field What it represents
search:reports The time taken to list all reports (no filters or search text).
search:reports:date Time taken… with a filter on date
search:reports:facilities Time taken… with a filter on facility
search:reports:facilities:forms Time taken… with a filter on facility AND form
search:reports:facilities:verified Time taken… with a filter on facility AND status(?)
search:reports:forms Time taken… with a filter on form
search:reports:search Time taken… to search on user entered text
search:reports:subjectIds ¯ \ _(ツ) _ /¯
search:reports:verified Time taken… with a filter on status(?)

A couple questions

  1. What does search:reports:subjectIds represent?
  2. What will cause the count to get incremented for search:reports? I assume it is not every time a user accesses the reports tab and I’m not sure how the increment works with lazy loading on this tab as well.
  3. I assume verified is the Status filter, correct?

Hi Michael,

What does search:reports:subjectIds represent?

It represents the number of times a search by contact’s reports is done. An example is when opening a specific contact page and the system searches for the associated reports to display in the screen.

What will cause the count to get incremented for search:reports ?

This is incremented whenever a search is done but without filters, that happens when accessing the reports tab (initial load of reports) and when clearing all filters (the circular arrow icon next to the filters)

I assume verified is the Status filter, correct?

Yes, the verified and the valid refers to the Status filter.


Perfect, thanks @Jennifer_Quesada !

@michael I want to make a correction/clarification regarding this.

According with the code and the documentation, the telemetry entries (search:reports:<filter[:filter]>) refers to the time taken (milliseconds) to search reports using the given filters. It doesn’t refer to the number of times a search was done.

Thanks @Jennifer_Quesada … From the documentation, each aggregate data point has several properties. I was thinking the count property would get incremented every time that particular filter is utilized.