September 2024 Round-up recording and notes

Hi all :wave:,

Thank you again for those who were able to attend the September CHT Round-up call. We hope you found the Round-up call informative and valuable. In case you missed the call or would like to watch it again, you can find the recording for community story here and CHT updates here. We have also posted below the highlights of the agenda covered during the call.

CHT and eHMIS Integration - Advancing Towards a Thriving Digital Health Ecosystem

CHT application is used by 900+ Health facilities in Gandaki Province of Nepal. There are also SMS form based applications. With both app based and SMS based CHT implementations, 6000 Female Community Health Volunteers are using CHT in Gandaki Province.

Data is being collected from 70+ tools in Gandaki Province with Electronic Health Management Information System (eHMIS) and CHT being the prominent and prevalent ones. The Health Facility had to enter the same details for Pregnancy, ANC, PNC, Delivery data in both systems. So for the purpose of collection convenience and data completeness integration between eHMIS and CHT was required. You can learn more about how the team integrated CHT and eHMIS here.

Updates on Navigation

For the past year, there has been work on incremental UI updates in CHT. We are excited to share a glimpse of the new navigation which uses a side drawer for the menu, housing all pages available to the user. With the new changes tabs will be moved to the bottom of the screen for easier ergonomic access. The top bar will feature a page title, search, filter and additional secondary functionality. For smaller screens, the bottom bar can also be hidden to allow for more real estate on screens for the main content. You can read more on the UI evolution of the CHT shared here.

Apdex: Learning from data
We shared recent analysis on telemetry data from eCHIS Kenya using 12 million records from 13,000 health workers. Telemetry data is automatically generated by CHT and you can use the telemetry data to help understand how users are interacting with your CHT applications. The insights from telemetry data analysis can guide us to understand pain points and challenges users are facing. You can watch the recording to learn how we can draw some of the insights out of the telemetry data. There are already published SQL queries that aggregate the data and make it easy to understand which you can use to understand telemetry data in your CHT project.

CHT 4.10 Release

CHT 4.10 features viewing aggregate targets for the previous month. All users who have access to aggregate targets will see a filter option that allows them to choose between the current month and previous month. Also CHT 4.10 supports aggregate targets for users that are assigned to multiple places. If a user has multiple places, they will see an additional filter option that allows them to choose which place they want to view.

CHT 4.10 features form validation with Luhn identifiers which can help to check for common mistakes like typos. Also, in CHT 4.10 API two REST apis are added in order to support get-place and get-place-with-lineage workflows via cht-datsource. These APIs encourage accessing objects through CHT APIs and it removes direct accessing couch for the objects.
See here to find out more on CHT 4.10 release.

Events: CHT Bootcamp

Brink Innovation team shared some highlights from CHT bootcamp.The objective of the bootcamp was to empower developers to autonomously handle the entire process, from initial setup to application development, ensuring proficiency and self-sufficiency in their roles. We look forward to promoting and sharing more CHT events in future.

Thanks again for your participation and engagement in the September CHT Round-up call. We look forward to seeing you in our next Round-up call on October 10, 2024. :slight_smile:

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