Report Preview in CHT 3.x and later

Hello everyone,
Is there any reason for the report to be presented like this after submission?

I think it would be better to have something more user-friendly. Something like a read-only filled form without a submit button.

This could be clearer and more useful for the user during supervisory reviews.

The edit button could be useful, but it’s not available for chws, and it’s also forbidden to edit a submitted report.

Hi @Gilbert

Field Names

Fields displayed on the Reports tab are translatable into various languages, the documentation on how to do this can be found here, and an example of what it looks like is below.


When you say “not available for CHWs”, is that because your program does not want them to (ie CHWs don’t have permission) or because it’s not working? I wonder if it’s related to this issue… Users unable to edit the report they created · Issue #8589 · medic/cht-core · GitHub, which has not been fixed.

Is it possible to have it like this?

It looks more like what the user has filled, and in my opinion it is more user-friendly.

I said “not available for CHWs”, because our program does not want the users to use it.
So we didn’t give them permission

I don’t think so.

Can you tell us a bit more about how the supervisory reviews are done (including: where they are physically done, who is participating, which/whose device is being used, etc…)?

This preview function is more than necessary.

Every time a supervisor meets a CHW, he checks that the application is being used correctly with the CHW’s device (smartphone), according to the protocol defined by our program.
To this end, he goes through the reports already submitted by the CHW.
If possible, this check helps to reinforce the CHW’s capacity to use the protocol and fill in the forms correctly.

The problem is that, to do this, they have to use the “Edit” button in the report history tab to get a semblance of a preview, with all the risks that this entails.

Can you tell us more about this?

  1. Does the supervisor review 100% of reports submitted or only certain reports?
  2. How many reports will the supervisor typically look through during a supervision session?
  3. How does the supervisor keep track of which reports they have already reviewed?
  4. If only certain reports, how does the supervisor choose which reports to review, are there certain reports that they really focus on?
  5. Does the supervisor review the entire report or just look for certain/a few specific fields?
  6. How often do things need to be updated, and how does the update happen (since the edits are able to happen on the CHWs device)?

Q: Does the supervisor review 100% of reports submitted or only certain reports?
R: No, they don’t review 100% of the reports. It depends on their own needs. For exemple, sometimes they want to check that vaccination forms have been properly filled in by CHWs.

Q: How many reports will the supervisor typically look through during a supervision session?:
R: It depends on the workflow they want to check, maybe 2 or 3.

Q: How does the supervisor keep track of which reports they have already reviewed?
If only certain reports, how does the supervisor choose which reports to review, are there certain reports that they really focus on?
R: I don’t think do that

Q: Does the supervisor review the entire report or just look for certain/a few specific fields?
R: It depends on they own needs. It can be both. Most of the time, it’s simply a question of whether the CHW follows the workflow defined by our program.

Q: How often do things need to be updated, and how does the update happen (since the edits are able to happen on the CHWs device)?
R: No one is allowed to edit an existing report.
The only reason the edit button is still visible is to allow the supervisor to see what the CHW has entered when filling in the form.
The edit button allows supervisors to see the report as the CHW fills it in.
This is why the preview function is so important.