Priorities for 2022, and the new CHT Roadmap is live!

You may have noticed that we haven’t posted CHT roadmaps on the forum lately, so I wanted to provide some updates on our roadmap and current priorities.

CHT Roadmap

We recently migrated the roadmap to a GitHub Project Board where it is maintained as part of our product development process. You can see a snapshot of it below, and read more about the roadmap structure on the docs site.

Note that is a URL redirect, and will always point to the current CHT Roadmap.

Priorities for 2022

I’ll also take this opportunity to highlight that we are seeing community health apps being scaled up nationally in many countries. To better support ministries of health and our partners in the CHT community, we are prioritizing these key aspects:

Local ownership towards national scale

We believe the impact of the CHT is significantly greater with a strong and capable CHT community, where technical and implementing partners are able to independently build, manage, and own their own deployments. Medic sees their role as stewards of the CHT to help the broader community deploy and sustain digital health apps for more communities. As part of this work we will soon release the next generation of CHT infrastructure that will be easier to manage and scale nationally, as well as exploring improvements to user management.

Community workflows and data connected to wider health ecosystem

It is important for patients to have great experience throughout the wider health system, and that requires that health systems be grounded in community health. The CHT already supports many integrations, and we are looking at making it even easier for last-mile workflows to connect with the broader health system.

Supporting care teams, at scale

Aside from having health workflows working well at national scale, we want to ensure that people are being well supported in providing care, and continue working towards UHC. We are also making it easier for CHWs to orient themselves to updates to their apps or workflows, and doing user research to explore other opportunities for improvements.

I’ll close off by saying that we are excited about the growing impact with the CHT, and invite all partners to participate in shaping this community by joining our monthly Roundup calls, which are currently scheduled for the last Thursday of every month. In the meantime, we welcome active discussion in this thread and throughout the forum!