This is the swahili equivalent that was supposed to appear but did not:
span style="color:#f58a1f;font-weight:bold">Maelekezo kwa CHV:</span>
<span style="color:#f58a1f">1. Sikiliza hisia za mlezi na msaidie mlezi kutambua mtu ambae anaweza kumwambia hisia zake na kumsaidia kuhusu mtoto wake. 2. Muhimize mlezi na wana familia wengine kusaidiana katika kucheza na kuwasiliana na mtoto. 3. Tengeneza kujiamini kwao kwa kuonesha uwezo wao wa kufanya shughuli rahisi. </span>
@iesmail the issue appears to be having a space between the period and the first character of the sentence in the numbered list. i.e 2. Encourage the caregiver....
Replacing the space after the number and period with the non-breaking space html character entity( ) resolves this.
So <span style="color:#f58a1f">1. Listen to the caregivers feeling and help them identify a key person who can share their feelings and help them with their child. 2. Encourage the caregiver and other family members to support each other in playing and communicating with the child 3. Build their confidence by demonstrating their ability to carry out a simple activity. </span>
Adding a space in the English translation makes the conversion of the XLS and display show up as an ordered list which is somehow causing the Swahili translation display issue you are experiencing: I am yet to figure out why. Probably an enketo bug. If I do figure it out, I will get back to you here.
@wambua, I tested this solution and it seems to work. Thanks!
It is definitely going to be a big task to implement this workaround in all the other forms that we are using. I hope you find a solution that takes care of this workaround.