Import data from ( one app form/report )to (another app form)

How can I extract data from another form?

This page is a good reference for for the different ways to load data into a form.

For reports, there is no way to directly load data from an existing report doc into a new form. Instead, the recommended approach is to include the desired report data as a part of the contact summary context object. Data from that object can be referenced in app forms.

You can find some more details/examples linked from this thread.

I am trying to do it using contact-summary.templated.js file .
I am not getting errors even if i give the wrong name of the form .
I just wanted the logs , so i could debug it .

Yeah, these calculations can be a bit tricky to debug. One helpful thing to keep in mind is that your contact-summary.templated.js code should get executed each time you open a new app form from a contact’s profile page. So, when testing, you can add console.log statements to your contact-summary code to get a better understanding of what is happening. These console.log statements will be triggered when opening the app form and you should be able to see the output printed into the browser’s console log (e.g. in Chrome’s DevTools).

If you still remain stuck, feel free to post the config you are using out here and we can see if anything looks off…