How to access collected data for further analysis

Dear Helen
Thank you for the information
We have a local instance of the Medic App with suspect create/edit and case investigation forms.
For the case investigation forms, we can see the data on the dashboard, and even download.
We however cant see data on the suspect create/edit e.g. age, name etc, please advise on how to access this data for our records and further processing


For the case investigation forms, we can see the data on the dashboard,

Which dashboard are you referring to? The reports page or an external tool?

If you know beforehand what contact variables you need to access, you can make adjustments to your Case Investigation form inputs section and pull in as much as you need from the contacts being surveyed. That data will be saved as part of the CIF report. However, if you wan’t more flexibility, you would need to export the CouchDB data to Postgres and access the data you need.

We’ve built a tool (cht-couch2pg) to help move data from CouchDB (a NoSQL database) to Postgres for ease of data analysis using SQL. I’m also linking a description of how data could flow through the different components of the CHT (from raw data to dashboards).