Help setting up TextIt exporter for CHT Watchdog

@cliff - Hi there! I’ve moved your question to tech support from the original product announcement thread.

I assume your data is not showing up in Prometheus? If you’re getting a specific error in the Prometheus container, please share that.

Some items stand out to me:

  1. I would recommend not editing the original prometheus.yml file. This will prevent upgrades. Instead, create a new file (maybe textit-scrape.yml) and then mount it inside the container. Please see our Integration docs for an example of this, specifically the Scrape Config section. It tells you exactly how to do this very task.
  2. You’ll need to ensure you specify the correct targets: value, pass in basic_auth and specify the https scheme. I can’t tell for sure, but your textit-scrape.yml might look like:
   - job_name: 'textit'
     scrape_interval: 1m
     scheme: 'https'
        username: 'metrics'
        password: '958745859603d6d1a7052d0e9991262a1011eb0f'
        targets: ['']
  1. Note that you have targets as when I think you need as I have it above

please report back how it goes!

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