Your Organization: Medic + ITECH
Organization Type: [ITECH 2wT Malawi]
What Other Organizations Would Benefit From This Feature:
Describe the Feature: As a [2wT officer] is it possible if the 2wT officer is on the messaging tab within the clients messaging thread, he/she can click the name of the client and direct him to the client profile
What “Pain Point” Does The Proposed Feature Address: It addresses the inconvenience and time taken to search or scroll through the profile tab to find a particular client when navigating from the same client’s message thread, to respond to a particular request expressed in the message thread.
Proposed Solution: Having a link that would take the user directly from a client’s message thread to the respective client’s profile
Do you have funding to cover external developers? No
Do You Have Resources (Designers, Developers, PMs) Available: No
Links To Supporting Information / Uploads: [feature specs or designs, examples of similar features etc]