Am following these instructions to set deploy a blank project on my remote CHT instance, however when i try to create a health facility by clicking on the New Health Facility tab i get Error loading form. Please try again or check with an administrator. . as seen below
I’m not sure I understand. When using cht-conf to upload contacts, forms should not be needed, so it’s unlikely this is the same problem.
Can you please share what error are you getting with cht-conf?
sure @diana the forms are not needed,i am adding contacts in the cvs files .I manged to add the facilities .
However on creating CHW Areas, CHW Contacts and Users as instructed here i run into
with cht --url=https://medic:password@localhost --accept-self-signed-certs create-users yet i do have the user.csv in the base project directory as seen in the screenshot above
I’m not entirely certain about this, but it looks like your csv file name is users .csv (space before .). Can you please make sure this is not the case?
I’m afraid that without seeing the contents of your csv file, I’m unable to help you debug this.
Please share the file, if you’re comfortable with that (you may want to change passwords and other sensitive information before sharing).
This feature was very recently debugged and was confirmed to work as expected.
It looks like your username field has an extra space before the comma. Can you please remove that space and try again?
The csv file headers must match requirements exactly, no extra characters.