Cannot add contacts from Web app after initializing and uploading a blank project

Hello, I successfully set up my local instance using the docker helper and was able to add contacts from the webapp using the button. However upon initializing and uploading a blank project using the command cht --url=https://medic:password@<>, the button no longer appears hence I am not able to add a new contact from the webapp. I am logged in as the admin user. Is this an expected behaviour or what could be the issue? I have tried:
~Adding the forms from cht-core/config/default/forms directory to my projects forms directory
~ Manually doing ` upon which the console says

~Reading this similar issue but the person here seems to be having a different strain of my problem as he is able to add health facilities unlike me
~Altering permissions for my admin user in my initialized project’s base_settings.json but no success as the permissions are just okay.
~I am able to add places using csv and cht commands though but cannot be able to edit them because of the error “Error loading form please try again or check with administrator”
Below is the related image for when I access the persons tab on my project

Hi @kembo !

It looks like there’s maybe a bit more to your error in the first screenshot in the web dev console? Could you post the full error in case it tells us something helpful?

It should expand if you click here:

Hi @kembo

I believe that your blank project is lacking the necessary forms and/or configuration to allow for creating contacts. Could you please verify that you have your hierarchy defined and that all the contact add/edit forms exist in your config?

Here are some useful links to documentation about defining contact hierarchies: