We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting CHT Round-up call which will be held on:
August 10. 2023 at 4:00 pm EAT/ 1:00 pm GMT/ 6:45 pm NPT
This will be an exceptional opportunity for you to learn about the recent CHT product features, upcoming CHT improvements and how you can contribute to the CHT product roadmap.
Here is the agenda of the Round-up call.
- Share with the community the findings of the usability tests for the CHT UI changes and the CHT training cards.
- Discuss and demo recent CHT product features, improvements and upcoming CHT initiatives, including:
- CHT Watchdog 1.8.x updates.
- CHT sync updates and demo.
- The planned Enketo uplift.
- Inform the community about the latest Focused Working Groups OKRs/CHT Roadmap.
How to join the CHT Round-up call.
Please use this link to add the event to your calendar.
You can also join from a PC, Mac, Linux, IOS or Android using this link: Launch Meeting Zoom
Meeting ID: 87906331864
Passcode: 697314
International numbers available: Zoom International Dial-in Numbers.
We hope you can join us for a lively discussion then!