Changing head of household during registration

During household registration, CHVs fill out the information of head of household followed by other members. We have received cases where CHVs mistakenly assign someone else as head of household and once the form is submitted, there is no way to re-assign the household head.

Can you add a feature which allows CHVs to be able to select and re-select household head?

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You can do this through the household edit form by allowing one to choose a contact through a contact selector. On the household document, this field would be named contact.

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@derick ,

Is there a way to filter out contacts which do not belong to the household while selecting the househould head from the dropdown list?

Could you try searching by the household name?

Searching by household name doesn’t yield any result.

How about validating the contact’s parent against the contact being edited? I believe that’s the best we could do for now

Not sure how to implement this in the form. Do you have any example?

I haven’t tested this but it demonstrates the approach.

I tried your approach and it gives an error even if there the member belongs to that household. Also, it shows the contact id (as seen below) which is not very pleasant.

Also, how to restrict a CHV not to choose children or temporary household members as household heads?

Under the clinic group, create a hidden property ‘_id’ which would contain the uuid for the clinic being edited.

Update your constraint to . = ../../clinic/_id

Hi Derick,

I tried the approach and I was able to choose a contact name but the form doesn’t submit.

Here’s the current form that I am using: