The Malaria Consortium Uganda project team has partnered with the Uganda Ministry of Health, Buikwe District Local government and Medic to design and deploy the Community Health Information System (eCHIS) which is powered by Community Health Toolkit (CHT). The eCHIS is currently being used by 375 Village Health Teams (VHTs ) and supervisors to support delivery of Integrated Community Case Management (ICCM) and stock monitoring services in Buikwe District.
In our July 2022 CHT Round-up call, the Malaria Consortium project team presented to the CHT community their experience and learnings of deploying the stock monitoring workflows in 7 Sub Counties in Buikwe District. The MC stock monitoring workflow allows users to:
- Track stock received by VHTs from health facilities and track stock dispensed by VHTs.
- View stock level status which is tracked on the profile of the VHT on the app. Various design colour codes have been incorporated in the app to display the stock level status. Red colour code shows the stock level is below the required threshold, orange shows the stock level is not optimal and green shows that the stock level is optimal
- A Low level of stock alerts VHTs supervisor.
Thank you Stella (, Badru (, @Poppy (, Frank (, @vchelule and @pkitutu1 for the insightful presentation. We are looking forward to getting more project updates on the progress of the ongoing integration with the Smart Discharges to enable the VHTs follow up children in a community setting, especially critically ill children who are discharged from healthcare facilities.
Here is the recording of the stock monitoring workflow presentation.
Stock monitoring use case was one of the first use cases implemented in the CHT, in Q3 2022 the Medic product team plan on focusing some design and development efforts to help improve the existing stock monitoring workflows. To do that, the team would love to work with community members to better understand users’ experience, needs and challenges. Please reach out to @michael to talk more about the stock monitoring workflows