Announcing Feature Releases of the CHT

I wanted to mention a recent addition to the CHT Docs site: “Feature Releases for the CHT Core Framework”.

To quote the page:

To build and iterate on new features at a pace that is faster than our regular release cycle, some features are released in a Feature Release. Feature Releases are based on the most recent release and only include improvements related to a feature being developed. These releases are tested to be production-ready so that new features can be studied with CHT partners in a live deployment, with the aim of getting the feature ready for wider use in an upcoming release.

You can see some of these releases starting to appear on forum with “Upgrade cards” and also “Bulk user creation”. When these have graduated past the planning stage, and are produciton-ready, we’ll be releasing them for partners to test.

Noteworthy, is what happens after a feature is found be successful. To pull another quote from the docs page:

Once the feature is ready for widespread use it will be included in a regular CHT release. Projects using the feature version can be upgraded as soon as practical to get back on to a fully supported release.

We welcome any interest and inquiries about this effort!