2023 Q2 CES survey reporting

In 2023 Q2 we had 318 respondents to our customer effort survey, including 284 CHWs and 34 CHNs. The results are as follows (score of 1 = extremely difficult; 5 = extremely easy):

How easy or difficult is it for you to find the household you are looking for?

CHW Score CHW Count CHN Score CHN Count
4.6 CHW Households 3.3 CHN Households

How easy or difficult is it for you to find the patient you are looking for?

CHW Score CHW Count CHN Score CHN Count
4.5 CHW Patients 3.1 CHN Patients

How easy or difficult is it for you to find the task you want to do next?

CHW Score CHW Count CHN Score CHN Count
4.6 CHW Task 3.5 CHN Task

How easy or difficult is it to correct a mistake in your app?

CHW Score CHW Count CHN Score CHN Count
3.6 CHW Mistake 3.4 CHN Mistake

How easy or difficult is it to plan your work using your app?

CHW Score CHW Count CHN Score CHN Count
4.1 CHW Plan 3.4 CHN Plan

How easy or difficult is it to learn new changes to your app?

CHW Score CHW Count CHN Score CHN Count
3.3 CHW Learn 3.4 CHN Learn

How easy or difficult is it to keep track of the reports you submit?

CHW Score CHW Count CHN Score CHN Count
4.4 CHW Reports 3.5 CHN Reports

How easy or difficult is it for you to register a new household?

CHW Score CHW Count CHN Score CHN Count
4.8 CHW Reports 4.4 CHN Register

Many thanks to our partners who have collaborated with us to make these user research activities happen. We look forward to working with others to continue to improve the CHT experience for all its end users. To get involved in these user research activities and to ensure the voices of end users from across all programs and countries are being heard, please reach out to leah@medic.org.