Using CHT to strengthen nutritional service delivery in Nepal

Nepal has one of highest child mortality in the South East Asia region and most of the deaths are caused by preventable diseases. According to the 2022 Nepal Demographic and Health Survey, the under-5 child mortality for the 5 year period before the survey was 33 deaths per 1000 live births and 25% of under-5 were reported to be stunted (short height for the age). To help reduce child morbidity and mortality and improve the under-5 nutritional outcomes, the Nepal Nursing Social and Security Division (NSSD) partnered with Medic and other stakeholders to build and deploy a CHT based app. Child health and nutritional workflows have been integrated into the app to support Community Health Nurses (CHNs) to provide community child health and nutritional services.

In our April 2024 Round-up call, @kunwarl presented and demoed how CHNs working in 3 municipalities (Bhaktapur, Bardibas and Chandragiri) are using the CHT app to carry out routine nutritional screening, identify malnutrition cases, refer the cases to facilities and conduct follow ups. Thank you Lal for the insightful presentation. Here is the recording of the presentation.