SMS Gateway - URL not responding in expected way

Describe the Bug
When configuring the web url in SMS gateway, I am getting “URL not responding in expected way” error

How To Reproduce The Issue
Download SMS Gateway v1.7.4

  1. Open the SMS Gateway
  2. Configure a custom hosted app url
  3. Click save
  4. See error

Expected Behavior
Successful server login

Exception caught while trying to validate server URl: https://gateway:****** :: org.json. JSONException: Value <!DOCTYPE of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject



  • Instance: (self hosted)
  • Client platform: Android, version 7.1.1
  • App: SMS Gateway (medic gateway)
  • Version: 1.7.4

Additional Context
I can login via the web app and medic app

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Hi @munjoma

Can you please try setting the URI to https://gateway:******