Per the discussion started here, we attempted to ensure that the newest record is always omitted during purge by implementing the following:
module.exports = {
run_every_days: 7,
cron: '*/5 * * * *',
fn: function (userCtx = {}, contact = {}, reports = [], messages, chtScriptApi, permissions) {
const NOW =;
const monthsAgo = months => NOW - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 31 * months;
const householdCOPC = 'copc-hhscreening';
const householdCSharp = 'csharp-householdconsentandquestionnaire';
const TEST_FORM = 'YYYZ';
const individualCOPC = 'copc-individualhealthcaretasks';
const individualCSharp = 'csharp-individualhhconsentedquestionnaire';
const individualDeath = 'death_report';
const PRESERVE_ALL = -1;
const PRESERVE_NONE = 0;
const CONF = Object.freeze({
'team_lead': {
'reportTypes': {
[householdCOPC]: 1,
[householdCSharp]: 1,
[individualCOPC]: 1,
[individualCSharp]: 1,
[individualDeath]: 1,
const role = userCtx && userCtx.roles && userCtx.roles.length >= 1 ? userCtx.roles[0] : false;
if (role && role in CONF) {`Purge running for "${role}" on contact "${contact._id} - ${contact.contact_type}" with report count "${reports.length}"`);
const reportTypes = CONF[role]['reportTypes'];
const contactTypes = CONF[role]['contactTypes'];
const shouldPurge = (doc, conf) => {
if (typeof conf === 'object') {
return (conf['appliesIf'] ? conf['appliesIf'](doc) : true) && doc.reported_date <= monthsAgo(conf['preserve']);
else if (typeof conf === 'number') {
return conf !== PRESERVE_NONE ? conf !== PRESERVE_ALL ? doc.reported_date <= monthsAgo(conf) : false : true;
return false;
const purgeContact = (contactTypes && contact.contact_type in contactTypes && shouldPurge(contact, contactTypes[contact.contact_type]) ? [contact._id] : []).filter((value) => value);
const splitByType = reports.reduce((accumulator, doc) => {
if ( doc.form in accumulator) {
return accumulator;
Object.assign({}, ...Object.keys(reportTypes).map(value => ({ [value]: [] })))
const reportsToPurge = [];
for (type in splitByType) {`Processing ${splitByType[type].length} records of type ${type}`);
const results = splitByType[type].filter((doc) => doc.form in reportTypes && shouldPurge(doc, reportTypes[doc.form])).map(r => r._id).filter((v) => v);
if(results === 0){
else if(results.length === splitByType[type].length){"Purge reports within period except latest");
const latestItem = splitByType[type].reduce((latest, item) =>
item.reported_date > (latest?.reported_date || 0) ? item : latest, null) ?? splitByType[type][splitByType[type].length-1];
reportsToPurge.push(...splitByType[type].filter(item => item._id !== latestItem._id));
else {
console.log('Purge reports within period');
// Purging of messages are not needed as we don't use the feature
return [
}'Purge completed without any purge');
return [];
- You’ll notice that if the latest item cannot be found by the reducer, it falls back to the last item in the report array. Are we correct in assuming that the last report will always be the newest?
- Unsure if the reports are in descending order, we decided to perform the “latest record check” at the end, rather than sorting the reports ahead of time. This means that for each report type, only if we’re about to purge all records, we grab the latest report and omit it from the purge list, rather than sorting all reports to identify the latest upfront. If necessary, do you see a more efficient way of doing this?
- Is there an appetite to build up the “split by report type” before passing in the reports to the purge function?
Thank you, @diana, for pointing out that the purge function receives a context similar to the contact-summary. While it loops through ‘one doc at a time,’ this refers to one contact
along with all its associated reports, allowing us to compare the reports of that contact against one another.