Reporting of Data in Postgres Populated from couch2pg (Json to tabular format)

Great progress @oyierphil!

The data in the couchdb table is organized in rows of JSON documents. This includes all documents in the medic database in CouchDB. Fields within the documents can be queried using postgres’ JSON operators detailed here.

Views are convenient for accessing form data, where a view for each form type can be defined as

CREATE VIEW formview_myform AS 
		doc#>>'{fields,subfield1}' AS field1,
		doc#>>'{contact,subfield2,subsubfield1}' AS field2,
		<other fields>
		to_timestamp((NULLIF(doc->>'reported_date', '')::bigint / 1000)::double precision) AS reported_date
		doc->>'form' = 'myform'

Data from the view can be queried as

SELECT * FROM formview_myform

Contact data can be found in a default view called contact_metadata, See the view definition here.

To export CSV data from postgres, use this query:


	SELECT * FROM formview_myform
) TO '/tmp/myform.csv' WITH (FORMAT CSV, HEADER);