Replacing deprecated `request-promise-native` dependency in CHT-Core with native Fetch API

The request package was deprecated in 2019, and our go-to codebase-wide dependency to handle HTTP requests in javascript apps was request-promise-native, which depends on request.

After years of “deliberation”, plenty of node.js releases, and wonderful work by our community (huge thanks and kudos to @fardarter), the choice and switch to Fetch API was possible and easy.
The Fetch API is natively bundled in all modern browsers and node.js, and is the new industry standard for handling HTTP requests.

This change will be released with CHT v4.17, and adoption of Fetch will cascade soon throughout the rest of the codebase (contributions welcome!), and the developer guidelines will be updated accordingly.


Ah, so only 2 years ago…

* checks date *

Make that 6 years ago…
