Q2 2024 User Experience Research Report

In Q2 2024, we gathered feedback from CHWs, CHW supervisors and app developers across Care teams and Allies team respectively.

User research methods

  • Generative interviews
  • Customer Effort Survey
  • Usability testing
  • Technical working sessions

What did we hear?

Care Teams

a) Generative interviews
We conducted remote generative interviews with 8 CHWs. The main objective was to understand CHWs’ experiences with the CHT app. Below is a summary of the findings:

b) Usability testing with CHW supervisors
We heard that it is difficult for supervisors to manage all of the CHWs they are responsible for, across several areas or community units. To address this problem statement, we created and tested 4 options/designs with 16 supervisors.

Majority of the participants indicated option 3 was the easiest to use. A feature to address the pain point has since been developed and released on v4.9 of the CHT.

c) Usability testing with CHWs
Over the past year we’ve been making incremental UI updates to the CHT to be more scalable, intuitive, mobile-first and consistent with other Android experiences by aligning more closely with Material Design. Our final step in this planned incremental update is to update the navigation.

Old navigation

New/proposed navigation

We tested the new navigation designs with 9 CHWs. Below is a summary of the findings:

  • Most of the participants did not identify the changes upon the first look of the new navigation designs. Upon further probe, majority noted the tabs had been moved to the bottom
  • Some of the participants noted that the hamburger menu had been moved next to the tab title
  • Majority of the participants easily navigated the new app designs using the FAB
  • Most of the participants intimated the new designs will be easy to use with slight training.

d) CHW Customer Effort Score (CES) survey
As a way to complement the feedback we gathered from generative interviews, we conducted a CES survey with 23 CHWs. The main objective was to assess ease of use of key CHT workflows.
Finding households and tasks within the app were among the workflows the CHWs felt were easy to use. Keeping track of the submitted report was rated the least.

Allies team

a) Technical working sessions

  • Understand their current experience and issues encountered while working on the CHT.

  • Understand App Developers’ experience and problem solving process for the CHT.

We worked with two technical partners and the sessions comprised of app developers and product managers.

The Process
How it works:

  • Developers share a list of current/open issues by priority.
  • Team deep dives into existing issues partners are currently facing during session.
  • Allies proposes potential solutions
  • We agree on next steps on how to possibly resolve the issues
  • Overall goal: Better CHT app building experience!

Some issues we heard were around:

  • Challenges with working with aggregate targets on form config work
  • Errors encountered and difficulties in upgrading
  • Challenges in implementing a queuing system for outbound data to DHIS2.
  • Challenges in facilitating data sharing from a high-level hierarchy to a lower-level hierarchy, enabling actions triggered at the higher level to propagate to all subordinate levels.

Both Medic and technical partners worked together to resolve some of the issues shared, and created a plan to include solutions for other longer term challenges in future releases of the CHT.

b) App developers CES survey
The main objective of the survey was to understand the ease of use of key actions taken by app developers when setting up or working on the CHT. We surveyed 23 participants who had a wide range of experience with building the CHT; most having worked with the CHT for 1 to 2 years.


Many thanks to our partners who have collaborated with us to make these user research activities happen. We look forward to working with others to continue to improve the CHT experience for all its end users. To get involved in these user research activities and to ensure the voices of end users from across all programs and countries are being heard, please reach out to leah@medic.org or ziithe@medic.org.