Need to add the link(domain) manually after building th CHT Android Flavour

I built the CHT Android flavour using the “master” branch instead of latest stable version.
Need to add the link domain manually.
What should be done so that it doesn’t asks for me to link the domain manually.

Please check image for more clarity.

I will also try build using v0.11.0 also.

Hi @Sanjit7.

Please go through these docs to add assetlinks to your CHT app settings:

After adding the assetlinks, you should be able to see it in this link.

After this:

Opening the app for the first time should take you straight to the login page without prompting you to link a domain.

Additionally, clicking a link to your CHT instance should open the app immediately instead of opening the CHT instance in the default browser.

Please let us know how it goes.

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1.Generated the SHA256 using the command : ```
keytool -list -v -keystore copilot.keystore

  1. Added the sample code from the link(.assetlinks | Community Health Toolkit) in the file assetlinks.json
    2.1 assestlinks.json file was kept inside app_settings Folder
    2.1 Changed the SHA256 to generated SHA256 from step 1

I hope , i followed the right steps .
The issue still persists .

The package name in your assetlinks.json is:
"package_name": ""

Does this match with your app’s package?
The above package name is used for the unbranded version of the CHT app.

If you added a different flavor following our guide, your package name could be different.

Some examples:


Thank you for your support .
It is solved.

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