Notes from their recent announcement
Today, more than ever, development efforts need to reach the poor. The challenges of poverty often cannot be addressed without help from policies and programs that intentionally serve those most in need and work to reduce inequality. To make this happen, we must be able to measure who is served in order to make policies and programs more effective.
Therefore, Metrics for Management is excited to announce the launch of the Davidson Gwatkin Equity Measurement Prize. This annual juried competition will award up to four cash prizes each valued between $5,000 and $10,000 to an individual or team of authors for research that uses the EquityTool and its data to assess and improve services that reach the poor or to gain insight into wealth equity in low- and middle-income countries.
You can submit a nomination for a 2021 Gwatkin Prize at starting May 1, 2021. Additional details, including eligibility and judging criteria, is available here.