Learning how to use Discourse with Discobot

Discobot is a friendly AI that teaches skills like messaging and formatting posts through interactive, real-time messaging. Each new skill Discobot introduces takes just seconds to master, and can be completed on your own schedule.

To begin learning with Discobot, click your profile picture, and select the messages icon (:email:)

Click on the Welcome Message from Discobot, then bookmark his post by clicking on the ellipses (…) located to the bottom right of the message to expand the menu, and selecting the bookmark icon image

Note: Bookmarking messages is the first skill taught by Discobot; if you do not bookmark his message, the tutorial will not begin.

Once you’ve bookmarked the message, Discobot will reply with your next set of instructions! Complete all sessions to earn a Certificate…and badge!



This is Interesting. I had completed chatting with discobot and earn wonderful certificate. :smile: :smile: Thanks!