Is the documentation on developing the CHT for feature phone available? i cannot find it

I wanted to see if the development of CHT for feature phone is possible? i want to see documentation and searched but i cannot find it, can someone provide the documentation if it is available?

As far as I know, CHT currently supports feature phones for SMS workflows only i.e. sending and receiving SMS.

Here you can learn how to build SMS forms:

From here, you can learn how to build SMS schedules:

Please let us know if you had any other ideas when you said:


Sorry, I meant to say development of CHT for feature phone,
So this means we can build SMS form but how do we actually use it in the feature phone, i can see some video where we can send the sms to gateway and register a patient. but i cannot find how it actually works.

We use it using the inbuilt SMS messaging feature of the feature phone.

You can see some videos about the SMS form being used in Nepal here: