hello @michael is it possible to self-assign a task in CHT ?
@cliff can you describe the scenario? Are you talking about completing someone else’s task… or more like setting a reminder task for yourself?
@michael something like a provider adding a task for a specific patient
Gotcha. Would the provider be completing the task themself at a later date or would the provider be creating the task for someone else to complete?
Either way, you could just create a new form that the provider would submit on behalf of the desired patient and that submitted form would trigger a task for that patient. You’d also need a way for the task to be completed, so you’d likely need another simple form to do that.
If the provider is creating the task for someone else to complete, the form that the provider submits would need to be sync’d to the server (if the provider is an offline user) and then back down to the other person’s device for that person to actually receive the task.
The provider to complete the task on the patients behalf basing on what they have observed
It’s not clear to me how the task functionality would be useful in this context… unless you are wanting some sort of reminder whereby the provider creates a task for themself to come back and visit the patient at a later date and record observations.
If there is not time delay/reminder element to this, why wouldn’t the provider just submit a form at that moment to record the observations?
@michael yeah something like this
Cool. That’s pretty straight forward then, and you could approach it in the way I mentioned above.
create a new form that the provider would submit on behalf of the desired patient, and that submitted form would trigger a task for that patient. You’d also need a way for the task to be completed, so you’d likely need another simple form to do that.