CHToolbox is a side-project that I have been working on for several months and am finally ready to share it here with the community!
It is a command-line utility (running on NodeJS) for CHT development and testing. The goal is to provide a platform that makes it easy to create and share utility scripts. I often found myself manually repeating the same kinds of things whether I was doing core development or tinkering with a CHT config. Sometimes I would create one-off scripts to do the work. With CHToolbox, I now have an existing platform to work from and a clean way to be able to share these scripts with everyone else!
The toolbox already includes a ton of features. A few to highlight are:
- Functionality for completely purging docs from a database (and for filtering what gets purged based on contact/report/reported_date/etc).
- The ability to update a CHT instance from the command line (useful to include in larger scripted workflows and/or when accessing the webapp is inconvenient.
- Stream a live feed of Couch’s active tasks right to your terminal.
- And much more!
PR’s welcome!