Great question. Currently there isn’t support for any purge testing in cht-conf-test-harness - but there could be!
Combining Harness + Purge Unit Tests
Here is a snippet of code which is how I usually see people combine the harness + purge function testing.
const { fn: purgeFn } = require('../purge');
const purge = (role, reports) => purgeFn({ roles: [role] }, {}, reports);
describe('purging', () => {
... standard harness boilerplate ...
it('example', async () => {
const { report: covidReport } = await harness.fillForm('covid', ...inputs.scenario);
// is not purged on day 10
await harness.flush(10);
expect(purge('user_role', [covidReport]));
// is purged on day 11
await harness.flush(1);
expect(purge('user_role', [covidReport])).to.deep.eq([covidReport._id]);
Supporting Purging in the Harness
There has been talk about supporting purging as a first-class citizen of the harness.
In general, the harness aims to provide a convenient pattern for testing application code - but the pattern it uses has limitations. The pattern just isn’t a good fit to test everything - like sentinel transitions, etc. At some point, automation should start CHT services and click around.
That said – my opinion is that the harness should provide convenient patterns for anything written in JavaScript. JavaScript config is where the complexity lies and automation has the highest value.
I can’t build this feature right now. If you’re interested, I can work with you to build it.
A potential solution for Muso
Most of the complexity of adding this in the harness is that the purging function is run once for each contact. Reports need to be grouped by contact and run through the purge function together with a userContext, etc. etc…
I don’t believe you rely on much of that at Muso. Something easier might work for you…
So, let’s say we had a function that knows what reports will ideally remain after purging… This is a concept – I didn’t even run this code:
const removePurgedReports = reports => {
const purgedReportIds = new Set(purge(harness.userRoles, reports));
return reports.filter(r => !purgedReportIds.has(r._id));
You could then use it to remove all purged docs from the harness’s state like this:
harness.state.reports = removePurgedReports(harness.state.reports);
// reports which are purged will not be available to other calculations made by the harness
await harness.getContactSummary();
await harness.getTasks();
await harness.getTargets();