'How can we improve/enhance CHT design to respond to unique users?

Design at Medic advocates for improving the human experiences of every potential user through HCD. We are committed to create experiences that are adaptable, flexible, scalable, and most importantly, usable by as many people as possible. We are curious to know how we can improve/enhance CHT design to respond to our unique users. What are some of the areas you think are missing in the spirit of HCD in totality? Are there unique customization needs coming from your users that CHT needs to support? e.g font size & style, zoom etc. Accessibility to people with disabilities (e.g., color blindness, vision disabilities, hearing disabilities) etc.
@Nicole_Orlowski @leah @michael


One time during a field visit to the North Eastern side of Uganda, I placed the CHT App in the hands of a Community Health Worker, and asked her to look at the screen and read out aloud what she was seeing-we were under a most refreshing shade of a tent. She squinted, then moved the phone a whole hand length away from her and tried to read what was on the screen. I am sure you can imagine the conversation that ensued. Two things I learned from her:-1. Age had affected her eyesight and she could only see tiny wordings from a distance, and 2. She had “big” fingers, making typing and moving the tiny numbers/letters across the screen harder for her. I have heard similar stories across multiple deployments in Africa and Asia where a significant number of dependable and active CHWs are over 55 years of age. Eg In Nepal, over 20% of the Female Community Health Workers (FCHVs) are elderly. What have you heard, or observed with your current CHT users? Have you come across a user group or part of it that you think would feel and/or have a better experience using the App if something was done to intentionally improve their experience?