Getting data for another "person" inside create person form

Hi @gkesh, to add to @diana’s comments, I noticed in your form image that you are using field names such as mother_case_name, mother_case_age and they also have calculations. Unless the mother contact has these exact fields in the root, it might not work.

According to the documentation: Input data available in forms

existing data in fields that are in the same group as the contact selector and share the same name as a field on the selected contact

It might not be very clear from the docs, but the field names need to match. After pulling a field using exact name, we can copy it to another field with a unique name to make it easier to use later.

Please see this example:

type name label::en relevant appearance required default calculation
begin group mother field-list
string mother_case_id Select Mother select-contact type-c82_person
hidden name
hidden date_of_birth
calculate mother_case_name …/name
calculate mother_dob …/date_of_birth
note mother_info_display * Mother’s Name: ${mother_case_name}
* Mother’s DOB: ${mother_dob}
end group

Here we are pulling name and date_of_birth from the mother’s contact document, and copying them over to the calculated fields: mother_case_name and mother_dob.


You can also see the values of all the fields by running this command in the browser console:


For this problem:

If the user can see a person with correct type (i.e. "type":"contact", "contact_type": "c82_person"), they should be available in the list. Please check the mother’s document and make sure that the user has access to it. Also please note that the second approach (select-contact type-) is supported from CHT versions 3.10.x onwards.

If it still does not work, we can look further.

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