Docker hub Image

Hey team, anyone who has published a cht module/app as a docker image to the docker hub?

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cc @mrjones and @diana

Hi @Japheth_Kiprotich

We published images of medic-os on DockerHub: Docker
We’ve partially moved to publishing images on AWS ECR.
Are you interested in publishing an image yourself?

Yes @diana, I’m imagining a scenario where I can quickly spin up an instance of a custom app.
If I were to create a docker-compose file of my own, do I need to backup the database itself, or where exactly are the app changes being published to?

Hi @Japheth_Kiprotich

I’m not exactly clear on what you mean by custom app. Could you please be more clear about your case?

If you want to make changes to core code and you are now building the images locally, in order to use these images on another device - like a server or another computer - then you would need to publish these images somewhere or go through the same process of building the image on the target machine.

All this has nothing to do with database data, or backing up, so this creates some confusion for me.
