Display Hidden Form Field Data in Postgres

Hi @michael, @mrjones, @jkuester, we have realized that the hidden form fields aren’t pulled in after writing the materialized views in PostgreSQL

Figuring why, checking on the SQL statements for the hidden fields as below:
SELECT couchdb.doc ->> ‘_id’::text AS uuid,
couchdb.doc ->> ‘form’::text AS form,
couchdb.doc #>> ‘{fields,mal_diag}’::text AS mal_diag,
FROM couchdb

I have checked the couchdb table and noted the hidden fields are also blank, interesting…

Hi @oyierphil

Your question is a little unclear.
Are you saying that you are finding a discrepancy between the record you see in couchdb or the record you see in postgres?

Can you sanity check the same record in your CouchDb database?
Data should not be altered when transferring records to postgres.

@diana, no discrepancy, the data record for the particular field is NULL in both CoachDb and PostgreSQL, so checking my form to see if everything is fine