Disabling a deceased persons profile from Editing

Hello Everyone,

My name is Philip Ngari, a Senior project Manager at Medic.I am supporting MoH Kenya in development of a CHT supported eLectronic community health information System (eCHIS),and came across a feature request that I think would be beneficial across partners supporting Community Health services.

Situation- A community health worker provides various services via CHT powered app.This includes ability to report a death which is then verified by their supervisor and a from is submitted to confirm the death. This action by the supervisor disables the deceased and removes them from the HH members list. However the current CHT core does not have ability to disable all actions on the deceased profile hence it is possible to edit it.

Need- Develop a feature at CHT core that enables configuration to disable any actions on a deceased persons profile. see current status here below.

Is there any member who has experienced this or with a proposal on how this can be fixed?

Thanks @philip !

Do you have some examples of this happening in a project? What types of things were health workers editing that they should not have edited?

Also, can you think of anything that should still be editable after a person is identified as deceased?