Customizing and Running Core CHT Framework Coachdb

Continuing the discussion from Customizing and Running Core CHT Framework:

Dear Derek
I managed to re-install coachDB using docker container and now the error below:

Will figure it out in the morning, will appreciate any insights

@oyierphil - If you’re following the CHT Local Environment steps to deploy a docker-compose based medicos, CouchDB is exposed on port 443 instead of port 5984. If you’re using cht-conf, call it like this:

cht --url=https://medic:YOUR_PASSWORD@ --accept-self-signed-certs

And in the browser using this URL:

If prompted in the browser for a login, use your user medic and password you initially set up and have used with cht-conf.

Separately, it looks like you’re running another instance of CouchDB on port 5984. This instance wasn’t used for your CHT install and is not protected with a password. Using the curl utility I can see the server is running:


And checking the /_all_dbs endpoint, I can see there’s no medic data:


Medic strongly advises you to use both TLS and passwords on all CouchDB/CHT installs.

I don’t think you need the second CouchDB instance and you can use the one built into Medic OS.

Thank you, this helped in having one couchdb installation
Calling cht --url=https://medic:YOUR_PASSWORD@ --accept-self-signed-certs, requires GitHub authentication, and I get errors despite providing the correct Github username and security token as below:

[quote=“oyierphil, post:3, topic:1487”]
Calling cht --url=https://medic:YOUR_PASSWORD@ --accept-self-signed-certs, requires GitHub authentication, and I get errors despite providing the correct Github username and security token as below:

@oyierphil - it looks like you got an answer to this in the other thread you started.

Let me know if I can help any further!

I have run the commands for local setup, but but app doesn’t show up, an error with cht-config, this has given me headache since Monday.
Could we have a brief Zoom call if your schedule allows ?
Thank you