Counter on messages tab

Hello community

How does the counter on the messages tab behave ie when does it start showing on the messages tab ?..
is there any configuration for it ?

There’s no configuration - it should start showing as soon as you have any unread message in the tab. The messages tab is a little different from the reports tab because messages are grouped by sender to get a “conversation” feel (a bit like whatsapp). But if any message from any conversation is unread there should be a counter shown.

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thanks @gareth for clarifying this

Though we getting a report in one of the implementations that the counter is failing to show u on both the Reports and Messages tab for unread messages or reports

I haven’t heard of any problems with the counter. To help get to the bottom of this I can provide some context on how it works.

Every time a user selects a report or views a message a “read” doc is stored in their user db to store that. The read doc is used to determine whether to mark the list item with the unread styling, and also counted and compare to the total docs to update the counter. This doc is replicated to the server and therefore the read counter is synchronised with every other device the user has.

The counter calculation is simply: total number of docs - total number of read docs

This can get into trouble if you change the docs the user has access to because the read docs won’t change but the total will, so if they have read 1000 docs and now only have access to 500 then the next doc would be 501 and the counter calculation would be -499 which because it’s negative would be ignored.

Ways this can happen is if you change the users permissions, or replication configuration, or possibly if you purge some docs.

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thanks for the detailed explanation on this ,

thanks @gareth ,Am goint to engage the team to find out if this could be one of the reasons

hello @gareth would like to share in an update…

we noticed that with the admin credentials the counters on the Messages and Reports tabs where visible