Chttpd:catch_error, chttpd:handle_req_after_auth, chttpd:process_request, chttpd:handle_request_int

Hi all,

I saw a 404 not found on my CHT instance today and did not know what had brought it down.
Checking the couchdb logs I saw:
<0.28424.7393> 9a2d8f3c39 req_err(1125717067) unknown_error : normal
[<<“chttpd:catch_error/3 L356”>>,<<“chttpd:handle_req_after_auth/2 L322”>>,<<“chttpd:process_request/1 L303”>>,<<“chttpd:handle_request_int/1 L243”>>,<<“mochiweb_http:headers/6 L128”>>,<<“proc_lib:init_p_do_apply/3 L247”>>]
With @delcroip the solution was to:

docker restart couchdb_container

docker restart haproxy_container

docker restart api_container
(in this order)

The problem got solved after, but decided to document it, in case someone looks up the error or I forget in the future :grin:

Thanks for recording these steps! :+1: Out of curiosity, what CHT version are you running? The unknown_error : normal logs were something known to happen in Couch 2, but I had understood them to be benign. Maybe there is something else at play here. :thinking: FWIW, I would not expect to see unknown_error : normal logs in CHT 4.4+ since that version upgrades us to Couch 3.x.

Ahh yes I am using CHT version 4.2.0.

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