CHT does not show what version is installed

I’m curious what set of conditions would make it such that CHT does not show what version is installed when on the upgrades page or through the monitoring API. This is from what I would believe is a fresh installation of 4.1 (with no upgrades done).

  "version": {
    "node": "v16.17.1",
    "couchdb": "2.3.1"
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That should be being loaded from the ddoc in CouchDB, but if that value isn’t valid for some reason then it’ll show as blank.

Can you look in CouchDB for the _design/medic doc and see what it says under build_info.version?

The build_info section is missing. Likely from modifying the ddoc

That explains it. It’s a bad idea to modify the medic ddoc, because the CHT relies on that internally in ways that are not documented so it’s very easy to break things without realising. Furthermore it gets overwritten on upgrade so you will lose any customisations you’ve made.

A better approach usually is to create a new ddoc for your own uses.