CDSS visual authring

We am working on CDSS Visual authoring tool,

we are currently capable of transforming multiple tabs diagram into CHT (or ODK, both works)

(see below the details)

if you like this approach of visually authoring content; we are working with partners to have a better tool for authoring because the drawio files needs some IT understanding to make them work (metadata to add on the nodes), feel free to have a look to the “requirements” done so far:

here the rule how to design tricc/ at develop · SwissTPH/tricc · GitHub (i did that file quickly don’t look too close at the typos)

there is a draw io demo file tricc/tests/data/demo.drawio at develop · SwissTPH/tricc · GitHub

tricc is actually a library, but there is a cli wrapper if you want to try (call by the vcstudio test- F5)

and you can even build the XLS file with a github action

name: TRICC Workflow

    branches: [ main ]
    branches: [ main ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Checkout L2 repository
      uses: actions/checkout@v3

    - name: Run TRICC Action
      uses: SwissTPH/tricc/.github/actions/tricc-action@develop
        input_path: 'L2'
        output_path: 'output'
        output_strategy: 'XLSFormCHTStrategy'
        input_strategy: 'DrawioStrategy'

    - name: Upload output
      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
        name: tricc-output
        path: ${{ github.workspace }}/output

Hi @delcroip

This sounds pretty cool!
Though I’m not exactly certain how this looks (others might not either) and how it’s supposed to work.

It would be super helpful if you could include some screenshots or a video of how this looks in the app.


Hey @delcroip - I know you’ve been working on this for some time - I share @diana’s exciting about seeing your announcement - thank you for taking the time post it!

I think the requested screenshots or video would be a great beginning for a “Getting Started” guide that goes through the process start to finish. I’m thinking something like CHT’s getting started guide. This would make it a lot more usable by other folks outside of SwisTPH

Thanks again for sharing and I look forward to more updates!