Can’t access top level hierarchy place

Thank you for the troubleshooting session yesterday and sorting out the nginx error.
After nginx crashed, I couldn’t access the top level hierarchy place, DHARC, I still can’t access the top level place, thus can’t access the lower places in the hierarchy, even as an admin. I can however access and export submitted forms

I created another top level place called DHARC_Juja for testing, but no data has been submitted here

@oyierphil - how was the top level place created? Did you create it on the web UI as an online user, or use the bulk user upload to create the place?

When you say you “can’t access the top level place”, can you be more specific? Do you get an error message? Any more details you can provide about the error would be most welcome!

This was an earlier instance, we created places, including the top level on the web UI. The top level place, DHARC, doesn’t show on the app, on the Home tab.

@oyierphil - Gotcha - thanks for the info.

When you look at the the DHARC document in Fauxton, can you confirm the the parent value? As well, when in Fauxton, can you confirm the type is the correct value?

@mrjones, opened one of the completed forms and picked the UUID of DHARC, results of running in Fauxton is as below, the parent_id is a97163fd-c6c7-4e36-8e21-65743112f04a, contact_type is anational_office

Thanks for the details @oyierphil ! Given you’re using a flexing hierarchy, all of those JSON values look correct as far as I can tell.

Next: can you check your browser console to see if there’s any errors that might indicate what the issue is?

I see an interesting error on the console, “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Object Not Found)”, and following on the link, I see {“error”:“not_found”,“reason”:“missing”}
CHT Topelevel Hierarchy not Visible

Hi @oyierphil

Those errors are expected if you have not set up privacy-policies or partners configuration. Not related to the hierarchy issues.

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Had made some changes to the config, but now cant push the changes, same error as shared earlier, more homework now…

@diana, I am exploring another angle, I changed the admin password from the app user settings, trying to change the same from couchDB to see if this is the culprit so that I push changes to the config

@mrjones, @diana
I did change the couchDb and docker-compose password to the the default, password and now I can connect and push content to the VM, so the issue is the services using the couchDB password, will do some more research on the services before attempting to change the password again

Interesting clicking on the top-level link, DHARC from one of the submitted documents brings the top-level place, DHARC as below, which will suffice for now;