Can not view version or upgrade in App Management Interface - Developer Setup

I have CHT Core Developer Setup. I am working on a project and trying to view the version of CHT but I am unable to view or upgrade the version. When I click on upgrade on App Management Interface, I see following:

Horticulturalist required

To use this page your instance must be deployed via Horticulturalist.

I have also attached screenshot below. Can someone please advise on what am I missing?

Hi @niraj

This is a limitation of how the admin app upgrade page works.
Because you’re using the dev setup, you can just check out the version or tag you want to install and restart the application (run the dev setup again).

This version should also be visible in the Webapp About page.

To note: this admin app interaction with horticulturalist won’t be a requirement anymore with 4.0

thank you very much, @diana. I did not see the version in webapp page. I have attached the screenshot below. I can see medic version in package.json of cht-core and probably can change the version I need here and re-run it.