Assessment of Allure reports for CHT-Core `master` builds

In an attempt to add visibility into e2e test stability, and assess which tests are intermittently failing over time (technical term is “flaky”), we save WebdriverIO Allure reports and host them on Build History .
This page links to the list reports for the last master run of every e2e test suite for the CHT-Core repository.
While this offers a nice visual for the last test run, it offers very little visibility over which tests are failing and at what rate - and this is a just a limitation of how the Allure report is built - however this was the originally intended purpose of this page.

I’m polling for information about the usefulness of this page, and what purpose it serves:

  1. Did you know of its existence?
  2. How often do you use it? And what for?
  3. Would you recommend it to another community member?

Looking forward for your feedback!