Adding phone number to a patient profile using SMS form

Currently, I am registering patients using an SMS form that uses add_patient trigger.
With params, it looks like we can add the following fields to the patient’s contact profile:

  • name
  • patient_id
  • parent._id
  • contact_type

However, I couldn’t add a phone number this way. Is it possible to add a phone number field?

e.g. if a user types A 9841234567 Mary, a person with the name Mary and phone number 9841234567 should be registered. Since it will be difficult to type the country code in an SMS, it would be great if it is picked from the “Default country code” setting.

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I can’t think of a way to do this with the transitions, yet it seems like a good feature request to extend the functionality of the add_patient trigger.

Alternatively, if you are considering using RapidPro to process the messages you can use a flow to update the phone number of the contact.


This feature request is being tracked here.