TLS certificate not loading in Docker Helper

Hello @stephenmhuli - welcome to the CHT forum! Thanks a bunch for asking your question.

As this is a related, but different question, than where you originally posted, I’ve moved it into it’s own topic.

You mentioned you tried the fix cited in this issue and it didn’t work. Can you be more specific? Which commands did you run? Was there any error output?

An alternate fix is to do a one off cert update.

  • First, find the name of the nginx container with: docker ps --filter "name=nginx" --format '{{ .Names }}'
  • After cloning the CHT Core repo, cd into the scripts directory: cd ./cht-core/scripts
  • now using the container name from the first command, call the script to update the cert: ./ CONTAINER_NAME

Here’s what this looks like for me:

$ docker ps --filter "name=nginx"  --format '{{ .Names }}'

$ cd Documents/MedicMobile/cht-core/scripts/   

scripts $ ./ 4_3_0_is_here_yay_nginx_1

If just container name is shown above, a fresh certificate was downloaded fresh
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